Fig. 1. Still from Ted Ed’s website. In this TED Ed video, Mia Nacamulli explains that being bilingual means you know two languages, while multilingual means you know more than two. However, being bilingual isn’t just an external show of knowledge, bilinguals are also different internally – especially in the brain. Nacamulli states that the brain of bilingual people actually looks and works differently than the brains of those who are monolingual (or who just know one language). acamulli explains that language ability is measured in two parts: active and passive. In the active part, the tasks of speaking and writing happen, while in the passive parts, listening and reading take place. While a balanced bilingual has an almost equal ability in two languages, most bilinguals use their language in various degrees. This is determined by the age in which they were exposed to a second language. Nacamulli states there are three classi...